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  • Writer's pictureJulie

Road Trip!

Whether its a short jaunt or a leisurely trek across country, road trips can be wonderful adventures.

There are some of us who spend hours researching our route, stops, and overnight stays. Others just get in the car or RV and make decisions as we travel to new locations. It depends upon our personalities. The challenge comes when one of the travelers likes to control things down to the minute while the companion traveler wants to revise the schedule. Knowing our preferences and goals before we get in the car can help us avoid conflicts and concerns.

Here are some resources we found that may help the road trip planner:

The Spectrum Newspaper in St. George, Utah shared a USA Today guide which includes facts and tips for all 50 states in the US.

My sister told me about an interesting way of traveling by RV that may open the door to some wonderful experiences (and perhaps great cost savings) with Harvest Hosts.

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